

报告题目:Mineral Dust Aerosol Simulation with Piecewise Log-normal Approximation (PLA) in GCM

报告人:Dr. Yiran Peng

Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis, Environmental Canada




B.Sc. Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Physics School, Peking University, Beijing, P. R. China (1995-1999)

Ph.D. Department of Physics and Atmospheric Sciences, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada (1999-2004) 

Postdoc at Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany (2004-2007)

Research Associate at Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis, Environmental Canada, Victoria, Canada (2007-now)

Research interests

Parameterization of aerosol and cloud processes in global climate model (GCM)

Aerosol-cloud interaction and impact on climate changes


Mineral dust aerosol is one of the important contributors to global aerosol loading and optical depth, therefore has potentially strong effects on climate. A new size-resolved dust scheme based on the numerical method of piecewiselog-normal approximation was developed and implemented into the fourthgeneration of the Canadian Atmospheric Global Climate Model(CanAM4). Results are compared with multiple surface measurements near and away from large dust source regions, validating the generation, transportation and deposition of dust in the model. Radiative properties of dust aerosol are derived from approximated parameters in two size modes with Mie theory calculation. The simulated dust optical depth is compared with several satellite observations.
