姓  名: 常宏
职  务:
职  称: 研究员
学  历: 博士
电  话: 029-62336218
电子邮件: changh@loess.llqg.ac.cn




2000.09-2004.02,中国科学院地球环境研究所  古环境变迁专业,获博士学位 

1996.09-1999.06,西北大学  地质学系构造地质专业,获硕士学位 

1990.09-1994.06,西安地质学院  矿产普查专业,获学士学位 


2015.01至今,中国科学院地球环境研究所  研究员 

2006.03-2014.12,中国科学院地球环境研究所  副研究员 


2014.09-2015.02,美国密歇根大学  访问学者 

2014.02-2014.08,美国科罗拉多大学  访问学者 

2009.12-2010.04,日本高知大学  访问学者 

2004.03-2006.02,中国科学院地球环境研究所  助理研究员 

1999.07-2000.08,西安市地质矿产勘查开发研究院  地质工程师 

1995.07-1996.08,陕西省地质矿产局地质矿产研究所 助理工程师 

1994.07-1995.06,陕西省地质矿产局地质矿产研究所 地质员 


Hong Chang, Zhisheng An, Feng Wu, Yougui Song, Xiaoke Qiang, Leyi Li. (2017). Late-Miocene – early Pleistocene climate change in the mid-latitude westerlies and their influence on Asian monsoon as constrained by the K/Al ratio record from core Ls2 in the Tarim Basin. Catena, 153: 75-82.

Jianxin Cui, Hong Chang, Kaiyue Cheng, George S. Burr. (2017). Climate change, desertification, and societal responses along the Mu Us Desert margin during the Ming Dynasty. Weather, Climate, and Society, 9(1): 81-94.

Fengyan Lu, Zhisheng An, Hong Chang, John Dodson, Xiaoke Qiang, Hong Yan, Jibao Dong, Yougui Song, Chaofeng Fu, Xiangzhong Li. (2017). Climate change and tectonic activity during the early Pliocene Warm Period from the ostracod record at Lake Qinghai, northeastern Tibet Plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 138: 466-476.

陶亚玲,常宏. (2017). 长江第一湾附近构造作用下的河流地貌演化.地球科学进展, 32(5): 488-501.

Hong Chang, Le-yi Li, Peter Molnar, Nathan Niemi. (2016). Activation of a Minor Graben and Pull-Apart Basin Just East of Bukadaban during the 2001 Kunlun Earthquake (Mw 7.8). Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, 106 (6), 2922-2926.

常宏, 李乐意, 强小科. (2016). 我国西部新生代磁性地层学研究的若干进展与挑战. 第四纪研究, 36(5) : 1088-1102.

Li Zhang, Zhenkun Wu, Hong Chang, Ming Li, Guocheng Dong, Yuncong Fu, Guoqing Zhao, Weijian Zhou. (2016). A case study using 10Be-26Al exposure dating at the Xi’an AMS Central. Radiocarbon, doi: 10.1017/RDC.2015.20

Lydia Staisch, Nathan Niemi, Marin Clark, Hong Chang. (2016). Eocene to late Oligocene history of crustal shortening within the Hoh Xil and implications for the uplift history of the northern Tibetan Plateau. Tectonics, 35: 862-895.

Lin Li, Carnmala Garzione, Alex Pullen, Hong Chang. (2016). Early-middle Miocene topographic growth of the northern Tibetan Plateau: Stable isotope and sedimentation evidence from the southwestern Qaidam basin. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 461: 201-213.

张飚, 李乐意, 刘向东, 贺宁强, 杜彪, 宋院利, 常宏. (2016). 晚中新世以来帕米尔高原生长过程及其与塔里木盆地气候变化可能的联系. 地球环境学报, 7(4): 346-356.

Hong Chang, Leyi Li, XiaokeQiang, Carmala N. Garzione, Alexander Pullen, Zhisheng An. (2015). Magnetostratigraphy of Cenozoic deposits in the western Qaidam Basin and its implication for the surface uplift of the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 430: 271-283.

常宏, 李乐意, 关冲. (2015). 新近纪以来青海南山的隆起高度:再论青海南山的隆起. 地球环境学报, 6(5): 270-275.

鹿化煜, 常宏, 郭正堂,张培震.2015. 大陆碰撞、高原生长和气候变化—2014Crafoord获奖者Peter Molnar教授成就解读. 中国科学:地球科学, 45(6): 770-779.

李乐意, 常宏.2015. 六盘山东西两侧红粘土沉积起源年代差异原因初探. 地质论评, 61(4): 861-872.

Hong Chang, ZhishengAn, Weiguo Liu, Hong Ao, XiaokeQiang, Yougui Song, Zhongping Lai. (2014). Quaternary structural partitioning within the rigid Tarim plate inferred from magnetostratigraphy and sedimentation rate in the eastern Tarim Basin in China. Quaternary Research, 81: 424-432.

Chang Hong, AnZhisheng, Liu Weiguo, Wu Feng, QiangXiaoke, Song Yougui. (2014). Late Miocene-early Pleistocene paleoproductivity variations of the Lop Nor in the Tarim Basin and its implications on aridification in Asian Interior. Chinese Science Bulletin, 59 (28), 3650-3658.

Lydia M. Staisch, Nathan A. Niemi, Hong Chang, Marin K Clark, David B. Rowley, Brian Currie. (2014). A Cretaceous-Eocene depositional age for the Fenghuoshan Group, Hoh Xil Basin: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the northern Tibetan Plateau. Tectonics, 33, doi:10.1002/2013TC003367.

Weiguo Liu, Zhonghui Liu, Zhisheng An, Jimin Sun, Hong Chang, Ning Wang, Jibao Dong, Huangye Wang. (2014). Late Miocene episodic lakes in the arid Tarim Basin, Western China. Proceeding of the National Academic Sciences of USA. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1410890111.

Kazuto Kodama, Zhisheng An, Hong Chang, XiaokeQiang. (2014). Quantification of magnetic nanoparticles with broad-band-frequency magnetic susceptibility measurements: a case study of an upper loess/paleosol succession at Luochuan, Chinese Loess Plateau. Geophysical Journal International, 199: 767-783.

解哲辉,崔建新,常宏. (2014). 黄土高原历史时期沟谷侵蚀量计算方法探讨. 地球环境学报, 5: 16-22.

Hong Chang, Zhisheng An, Feng Wu, Zhangdong Jin, Weiguo Liu, Yougui Song.  (2013). A Rb/Sr record of the weathering response to environmental changes in westerly winds across the Tarim Basin in the late Miocene to the early Pleistocene. Palaeogeography, Palaeclimatology, Palaeoecology 386: 364-373.

Jianxin Cui, Hong Chang. (2013). The possible climate impact on the collapse of an ancient urban city in Mu Us Desert, China. Regional Environmental Change 13, 353-364.

常秋芳,常宏. (2013). 罗布泊Ls2孔近7.1Ma以来沉积物的环境磁学研究. 第四纪研究, 33: 876-888.

Chaofeng Fu, Zhisheng An, Xiaoke Qiang, Jan Bloemendal, Yougui Song, Hong Chang. (2013). Magnetostratigraphic determination of the age of ancient Lake Qinghai, And recor of the East Asian monsoon since 4.63 Ma. Geology, 41, 875-878.

Junsheng Nie, Wenbin Peng, Katharina Pfaff, Andreas M?ller, Eduardo Garzanti, Sergio Andò, Thomas Stevens, Anna Bird, Hong Chang, Yougui Song, Shanpin Liu, Shunchuan Ji. (2013). Controlling factors on heavy mineral assemblages in Chinese loess and Red Clay. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 381/382: 110-118.

Hong Chang, Zhisheng An, Weiguo Liu, Xiaoke Qiang, Yougui Song. (2012). Magnetostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental records for a Late Cenozoic sedimentary sequence drilled from Lop Nor in the eastern Tarim Basin. Global and Planetary Change, 80-81: 113-122.

Hong Chang, Hong Ao, Zhisheng An, Xiaomin Fang, Yougui Song. (2012). Magnetostratigraphy of the Suerkuli Basin indicates Pliocene (3.2 Ma) activity of the middle Altyn Tagh Fault, northern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 44: 169-175.

Hui Hao, David K. Ferguson, Hong Chang, Chengsen Li. (2012). Vegetation and climate of the lop Nur area, China, during the past 7 million years. Climatic Change, 113: 323-338.

Zhisheng An, Steven M. Colman, Weijian Zhou, Xiaoqiang Li, Eric T. Brown, A. J. Timothy Jull, Yanjun Cai, Yongsong Huang, Xuefeng Lu, Hong Chang, Yougui Song, Youbin Sun, Hai Xu, Weiguo Liu, Zhangdong Jin, Xiaodong Liu, Peng Cheng, Yu Liu, Xiangzhong Li, Xiuju Liu, Libin Yan, Zhengguo Shi, Xulong Wang, Feng Wu, Xiaoke Qiang, Jibao Dong, Fengyan Lu, Xinwen Xu. (2012). Interplay between the Westerliers and Asian monsoon recorded in Lake Qinghai sediments since 32 ka.Scientific Report, doi: 10.1038/srep00619.

崔建新,常宏,刘泉均. (2012). 青海湖湖东克土沙地地温插值方法研究. 干旱地区农业研究, 30:185-192.

蒋毅,常宏. (2012). 磷灰石(U-TH)/He定年方法综述. 岩石矿物学杂志, 31: 575-766.

张丽,周卫健,常宏,赵国庆,宋少华,武振坤. (2012). 暴露测年样品中26Al10Be分离及其加速器质谱测定. 岩矿测试, 31: 83-89.

张丽,武振坤,宋少华,常宏,赵国庆. (2012). 原地宇宙成因核素暴露测年方法中石英的提取. 岩矿测试, 31: 780-787.

Alex Pullen, Paul Kapp, Andrew T. McCallister, Hong Chang, George E. Gehrels, Carmala N. Garzione, Richard V. Heermance, Lin Ding. (2011). Qaidam Basin and northern Tibetan Plateau as dust sources for the Chinese Loess Plateau and paleoclimatic implications. Geology, 39, 1031-1034.

Zhisheng An, Steven C. Clemens, Ji Shen, xiaoke Qiang, Zhangdong Jin, Youbin Sun, Warren L.Prell, Jinjiang Luo, Sumin Wang, Hai Xu, Yanjun Cai, Weijian Zhou, Xiaodong Liu, Weiguo Liu, Zhengguo Shi, Libin Yan, Xiayun Xiao, Hong Chang, Feng Wu, Li Ai, Fengyan Lu. (2011). Glacial-Interglatial Indian summer monsoon dynamics. Science, 333, 719-723.

Xiaoke Qiang, Zhisheng An, Yougui Song, Hong Chang, Youbin Sun, Weiguo Liu, Hong Ao, Jibao Dong, Chaofeng Fu, Feng Wu, Fengyan Lu, Yanjun Cai, Weijian Zhou, Xinwen Xu, Li Ai. (2011). New eolian red clay sequence on the western Chinese Loess Plateau linked to onset of Asian desertification about 25 Ma ago. Scicence in China, 54, 136-144.

刘泉均,常宏. (2011). 我国北方主要沙地水分研究概况.地球环境学报. 2: 672-679.

Hong Ao, Chenglong Deng, Dekkers M. J., Qingsong Liu, Li Qin, Guoqiao Xiao, Hong Chang. (2010). Astronomical dating of the Xiantai, Donggutuo and Maliang Paleolithic sites in the Nihewan Basin (North China) and implications for early human evolution in East Asia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 297: 129-137.

Bin Wang, Hong Chang. (2010). Strong Tectonic and weak climatic control of the geomotphologic and geological features in west Kunlun. IGARSS, 12: 2155-2158.

常宏,金章东,安芷生. (2009). 青海南山隆起的沉积证据及其对青海湖-共和盆地构造分异演化的指示. 地质论评 200955(1): 49-57.

Jianxin Cui, Shangzhe Zhou, Hong Chang. (2009). The Holocene warm-humid phases in the North China Plain as recorded by multi-proxy records. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 27 (1): 147-161SCIE

王平,安芷生,常宏,王苏民, 沈吉,李小强,张毅祥,孙千里,宋友桂,艾莉. (2009). 青海湖第四纪晚期沉积地震地层特征分析. 盐湖研究, 17(1): 1-5

王宁,刘卫国,常宏,安芷生. (2009). 中更新世以来新疆罗布泊地区气候演化过程. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2: 131-137.

常宏,安芷生,吴枫. (2008). 青海南山隆起的盆地沉积物常量元素纪录. 第四纪研究,28(5): 822-830.

Hong Chang, Zhisheng An, Xiaoke Qiang, Yougui Song, Chaofeng Fu. (2006). The Causes of fluvial terraces inland and its implication. International Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium, 8: 1537-1540.

Hong Chang, Peizhen Zhang, Zhisheng An, Xulong Wang, Xiaoke Qiang, Chaofeng Fu. (2005). Formation of the Yazi Spring Stream and its significance on tectonics-climate on the northern slope of Kunlun Mountains. Chinese Science Bulletin,50(18): 2063-2068 (常宏,张培震,安芷生,王旭龙,强小科,符超峰. (2005).昆仑山北坡鸭子泉河阶地发育及其构造-气候意义.科学通报, 50(9): 912-917).

Hong Chang, Zhisheng An, Xiaomin Fang, Xiaoke Qiang, Yougui Song. (2005). Magnetostratigraphy study on the Miocene sediments of Suerkal Basin, Altyn Tagh and its significance. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 7: 5244-5246.

常宏, 安芷生, 强小科, 宋友桂, 符超峰. (2005). 河流阶地的形成及其对构造与气候的意义. 海洋地质动态, 21(2): 8-11.