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论文题目 第一作者 联系作者 刊物名称
Pleistocene magnetochronology of the fauna and Paleolithic sites in the Nihewan Basin: Significance for environmental and hominin evolution in North China 敖红 QUATERNARY GEOCHRONOLOGY 2013 18 78-92
Magnetostratigraphic evidence of a mid-Pliocene onset of the Nihewan Formation - implications for early fauna and hominid occupation in the Nihewan Basin, North China 敖红 Quaternary Science Reviews 2013 59 30-42
New evidence for early presence of hominids in North China 敖红 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2013 3 2403
A Rb/Sr record of the weathering response to environmental changes in westerly winds across the Tarim Basin in the late Miocene to the early Pleistocene 常宏 PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY 2013 386 364-373
Magnetostratigraphic determination of the age of ancient Lake Qinghai, and record of the East Asian monsoon since 4.63 Ma 付超峰 GEOLOGY 2013 41 8 875-878
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